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1. Filing Cabinet Drawer Opening2. Filing Cabinet Drawer Closing3. Carbonated Water Fizzing4. Electric Shaver5. Party Horn6. Bugle Call Parade7. Bugle Call Jazz8. Bugle Call Sting9. Pop Gun Popping10. Ambulance Passing With Siren11. Grand Prix Race Atmosphere12. Truck Starting and Departing13. Filling Sink With Water14. Draining Water From Sink15. Castanets16. Music Box17. Heavy Traffic18. Police Radiio in Operation19. High Performance Car Start and Idle20. High Performance Car Burn Out21. Ghostly Rolls (Timpani)22. Thunder Roll (Timpani)23. Old Movie Camera in Operation24. Gas Jet Burning25. Shop Door Opening With Bell26. Car Wash (Interior Perspective)27. Horse Gallops By28. Herd of Elephants29. Dog Barking30. Rooster Crowing31. Pig Grunts and Runs Away32. Continuous Thunder Claps and Rumbles33. Water Splash34. Male Coughing35. Heavy Breathing36. Baby Crying37. Running Through Leaves38. Golf Audience Reaction to Missed Putt39. Applause at Golf Match40. Male Laughing Hysterical41. Tearing Material Short42. Tearing Material Long43. Elevator Door Opening44. Elevator Door Closing45. Laundromat General Atmosphere46. Sleigh Bells Santa’s Arrival47. Sleigh Bells Santa’s Departure48. Park With Fun and Games49. Jet Engine Noise50. Jet Overhead Flyby51. Airport Ticket Area52. Helicopter Flying (Interior Perspective)53. Helicopter Flyby54. Writing on Paper With Pencil55. Lighting a Match56. Coins Jingling57. Ice Cubes Clinking in a Glass58. Static59. Chair Scraping Floor60. Champagne Cork Popping61. Motorcycle Passing62. Light Traffic63. Medium Traffic64. Outboard Boat – Approach65. Tractor – Start, Idle and Stop66. Tractor – Driving By67. Harp – Diminished Glisses Down and Up68. Harp – C Chord – Cracked69. Harp – C Chord – Cracked Slower70. Slide Whistle – Gliss Up Slow71. Slide Whistle – Gliss Down Slow72. Vibra – Slap – Accent73. Boat Whistle – Orchestral – 2 Blasts74. Maracas – Rhythm75. Maracas – Roll or Shake76. Telephone – Pick-Up – Dial Tone77. Telephone – Pick-Up and Dial Touchtone – 1 Ring78. Telephone – Off the Hook79. Train/Subway – General Atmosphere of Station80. Diesel Train Passing by With Horn81. Garage – Repairing Cars82. Horse – Trots Up and Snorts – Outside83. Elephant’s Trunk Noise84. Lion – Roars85. Birds in a Rain Forest86. Birds Flying Around – Plane in the Background87. Dog Running About and Barking88. Lamb – One Bleat89. Chicken Laying an Egg90. Storm – Thunder – Wind and Rain91. Diving and Swimming Past92. Footsteps – Walking Up on Wood93. Footsteps – Walking Away on Wood94. Male Scream95. Last Guitar Strum and Applause96. Concert Crowd Applause With Cheers97. Baby Laughing98. Male Laugh – Evil99. Walking Through the Brush / Small Group Gasp – Astonished

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