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1. IXXU: Flüchtig, nervös2. IXXU: Sehr Schnell3. IXXU: Präzise / Ruhig4. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: My Illness Is the Medicine I Need5. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: I Think I’ll Stay Here Until I Die, I’m Tired of Life. I Don’t Like Freedom. The World Frightens Me.6. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: Eat and Sleep. Eat and Sleep. The Monotony Here Kills You.7. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: I Like It When People Ask Me the Time. It’s Almost a Conversation.8. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: I Don’t Know Why I’m Here. I’ve No Idea. I Think People Are Brought Here to Be Killed. I’m Scared of Death. Death Will Come to Me Covering All My Body. And I Will Be Silent Forever.9. My Illness Is the Medicine I Need: Once They Give You an Injection You Instantly Stop Hearing Voices.10. Mumien: Tempo giusto11. Mumien: Schneller12. Mumien: Langsam13. Cold Farmer: Mit Groove14. Cold Farmer: Ruhige halbe15. Cold Farmer: Sehr schnell16. Cold Farmer: Ganz langsam

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