1. The Spirit of Radio2. Time Stand Still3. Presto4. Stick It Out5. Workin’ Them Angels6. Leave That Thing Alone7. Faithless8. BU2B9. Freewill10. Marathon11. Subdivisions12. Tom Sawyer13. Red Barchetta14. YYZ15. Limelight16. The Camera Eye17. Witch Hunt18. Vital Signs19. Caravan20. Moto Perpetuo / Love for Sale21. O’Malley’s Break22. Closer to the Heart23. 2112 Overture / The Temples of Syrinx24. Far Cry25. La Villa Strangiato26. Working Man27. Outtakes From “History of Rush, Episode 2 & 17″28. “Tom Sawyer″29. “Need Some Love″ Live From Laura Second Secondary School30. “Anthem″ Live From Passaic New Jersey31. The Spirit of Radio (5.1 mix)32. Time Stand Still (5.1 mix)33. Presto (5.1 mix)34. Stick It Out (5.1 mix)35. Workin’ Them Angels (5.1 mix)36. Leave That Thing Alone (5.1 mix)37. Faithless (5.1 mix)38. BU2B (5.1 mix)39. Freewill (5.1 mix)40. Marathon (5.1 mix)41. Subdivisions (5.1 mix)42. Tom Sawyer (5.1 mix)43. Red Barchetta (5.1 mix)44. YYZ (5.1 mix)45. Limelight (5.1 mix)46. The Camera Eye (5.1 mix)47. Witch Hunt (5.1 mix)48. Vital Signs (5.1 mix)49. Caravan (5.1 mix)50. Moto Perpetuo / Love for Sale (5.1 mix)51. O’Malley’s Break (5.1 mix)52. Closer to the Heart (5.1 mix)53. 2112 Overture / The Temples of Syrinx (5.1 mix)54. Far Cry (5.1 mix)55. La Villa Strangiato (5.1 mix)56. Working Man (5.1 mix)